It seems that each time I write here about Eurovision, I'm on the brink of suicide... Not really of course, but I'm in total despair after the results tonight...
Not really because of this year's winner, but because of the little points my favourites, UK contestant Scooch, have got from all countries, meaning 0 points, except for Irish 7 & Maltese 12 points...
Thursday's semi-finale should have warned me a bit as the pop geniuses of Netherlands' Edsilia Rombley & Denmark's "Drama Queen" and even the fame of swiss DJ Bobo & all his vampires crew couldn't be enough to make it to the final... I already feared for my lil' Scooch & their cheesy camp pop number...
Sure I was right!
I was going mad during the results coming one after the other to see that they were stuck at the bottom end with nul points. I jumped up when their got their first 7 points from neighbour Ireland and felt really pleased to see Malta still had good taste in music by giving them their 12 points...
That makes them finish ex-aequo with our awful untasty frenchies and that means too much! I feel so pleased for the latter's underperformance and so sad for the first ones' injustice!
Well, in fact, I did my best and I, who never ever before had taken my phone for any TV programm, have phoned twice (!) to try to get UK in the french points ...with no success : I must have been the only one in the country to have phoned for them 
But what could I expect? In 2007, cheesy pop is dead and it looks like eastern Europe ain't the place for it to ressucite...
So what will I remember from this year's euro millesime?
First, that the winner's singer, though looking like a fat boy next door type lesbian and having 5 backing vocalist with brushed up hairdoo showing no piece of flesh at all (!), did a pretty good vocal performance and I won't complain about the good response she got in the votes.
On contrary, I can't understand that her leadership in the televoting could have been disputed by Ukrainian awful robotic man supposed to be vamped as a drag queen... Danish DQ, who was a real lady must have suffocated hearing this pastiche was supposed to have the same dressing goal... or are women in Ukraine that ugly? I have always felt drag-queens were all about glamour, glitter & beauty. Verka had only glittering outfits. The rest was only ridiculous and I don't even talk about the song!
My TOP songs from this year's entries have nearly all underperformed in the results though gettin' incredibly good performances by their artists and I won't talk any more of my poor Scooch... - Edsilia Rombley did her best Anastacia impersonation in the semi-finale with a roaring vocal performance that should have led her to the top finalists and a tune that has HIT written all over it... Being robbed by some east european contestants of her place in finale is a real SHAME! I understand that she has even not stayed in Helsinki for the saturday night show and was back in her country showing her face while giving the votes.
- Danish DQ did a good job with his/her dancers on "Drama queen" and the song stayed glued in my head till the end of the show. I'll sure keep on listening to this tune some more!
- DJ Bobo tried his best to be Lordi's follower but although the song was memorable, maybe his performance suffered from too much dance and not enough breathing and no more studio's autotune... I'll still be adding his soon to be released album to my discography 
- I liked the Belgium's entry from the CD but the performance was overall bad : it si hard to aternate high notes & low ones in live but the disco funky music was refreshing.
- Norway's spanish flavoured pop reminded me of carola but lacked a little thing that woudl have made the difference maybe.
- I fell in love with the Hungary's blues and would have thought it would finally finish higher in the finale. That girl really can sing with her heart! I'd be curious to hear a full album from her... On the same accoustic side, I really loved the german Sinatra boy : it even sounded like an english standard!
- I discovered Georgia's diva Sopho sounding like Björk would have sounded to me if she hadn't had that awful voice. Though a little too ethnic/tribal, the techno arrangements and the beautiful voice & chorus made me belt out some "My story, his story" in my flat as if I were his personal backing vocalist
And she was really cute too. I'd like to know if she has some more music of that style available to check this a little more. - Andorra tried a neopunk entry by sending a McFly/Busted boysband that failed to win a ticket to finale and Latvia's 6 tenors did a pretty good job at replicating Il Divo but it wasn't enough in the finale though...
- Greece & Turkey did their best to try to sound the same with Tarkan sound-a-likes Sarbel (young cute boy that would have performed better maybe if he had been a little more shirtless
) and Mr Dogulu, dressed in red and shaking it, shaking it too. - While I'm in for real sex symbols & supposed ones, Spain did a wonderful job giving us 4 stallions dressed in white with a perfect dance pop song but there again they were maybe not showing enough chest or abs to get noticed. Belarus' Lady Di hidden son gets higher showing his torso with his John Barry sounding magical song.
- On the girlies side, Russia won the top place with the sexy trio Serebro but their song failed to get to #1. Other Short dress were used to different results by other female contestants and I will only thank Karolina's hair stylist for his wonderful work between the two shows : it was the least she could do to keep her shampoo publicity contract after the awful hairstyle she had on pre-finale. Moldova's miss Barbu chose leather pants to differ but I still wonder why nobody has ever explained to her that a song need to be sung ...not shouted, nor screamed! My hears are still bleeding from her performances...
Well, I think I'm finished with the ones who need a review... I just want to talk about some more contestants for their unabilities to gain any interest from me : Malta was so old fashioned that her two half-naked dancers were the only reason not to shut the TV down, the varied tribal & pop-opera influenced ones bored me, the old-fashioned rockers with long haired even more, while the Teapacks from Israel irritated me to push the mute button quickly after their chorus and the irish lullaby made me have a good sleep even before 22:00, which is a first EVER in my life!
Now I think it is high time for me to stop here and go to bed... It is starting to get late (or early in the morning?) and as I have nothing to celebrate tonight, there is no more reason to stay up all night partying...
Luckily I'll be making pleasant dreams of tomorrow UK chart placings, with Scooch entering the Top Ten maybe at the highest place? Who knows? I've ordered my CD single anyway and I'll keep playing it surely for a long time ! 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunday 13 May Edit
Incredible but true... They've made it to #5 in this week's UK Charts ! 
Some european people out there still love POP, I feel better now...