Christophe Willem est enfin de retour avec un nouveau single, bizarrement appelé Cool, puisque dès la première écoute, c'est le Crazy gimmick du refrain qui se vrille en tête... m'enfin, il respire déjà le tube, qu'importe le titre ! Les sonorités sont bien dans la continuité electro/funky de la plupart des titres de son album précédent Caféïne, et il me tarde que sorte enfin le nouvel album (et troisième en studio) appelé Prismophonic. Avec Steve Anderson à la réalisation, comme sur certains titres de son prédécesseur, j'ai toute confiance, même si ce trop court (2'47) Cool, écrit par les vieux compères Olivier Schulteis et Jean-Pierre Pilot avec W.Rousseau et F.Dewaere, n'a pas le charme de ses premiers tubes made in Zazie... J'espère surtout que Christophe s'est laissé de la place pour ses propres compositions, toujours si magnifiques, à l'image de l'inoubliable Des nues. En attendant l'album prévu pour le 21 Novembre et le clip, voilà toujours de quoi l'écouter :
The Wanted's brand new single Lightningis to be released on the 31st of October, just before their second album on 7th November. Like Glad you came and All time low, Lightning is another catchy sure-hit co-written by superstar producer Steve Mac with Ed Drewett. The boys have started performing it live on their summer tour so you can bet this pre-release promotion will pay once again and help them get high in the charts when Lightningfinally gets released. You can listen to this new song by watching the official video below :
Tom sings the first verse, followed by jay for verse 2 then Max and the other boys are singing the chorus, then Siva sings verse 3 and Nathan verse 4 before second chorus. All the boys except Siva share the bridge before final chorus and I feel the song falls way too short... Sure it needs an extended version LOL !
Sing along with the lyrics too : You're in control pressing pause on my heartbeat Someone stole all the air so I can't speak Now I know the chase is on, I feel as though my time has come How many times do I fly through your headspace Now it's speeding away from a safe place Yeah your skin, the touch, your kiss, the rush, too much and here it comes When your lips touch mine, it's the kiss of life I know, I know that it's a little bit frightening We might aswell be playing with lightning We touch like, like it's our first time Oh oh, I know that it's a little bit frightening We might aswell be playing with lightning now Oh Oh... Oh Oh Just you and me and the coats in the back room Learning things they don't teach in the classroom Now you're here, I feel the fear where everything is oh so clear I've been addicted to you since the first hit Out of control like a surge of electric Yeah your skin, the touch, the kiss, the rush, too much and here it comes CHORUS Your skin, the touch, the kiss, too much Your skin, the touch, the kiss, the rush Your skin, the touch, the kiss, too much The rush, the rush, the rush, the rush ! CHORUS