My heart's beating like a drum for Lovers Electric's new single!
Blogging away a couple of weeks ago, I discovered the video for aussie -first London but now Berlin-based- duo Lovers Electric, Beating like a drum, and I found it an attractive retro synthpop touch. I noticed their second album was soon to be released in Germany and wanted to take a listen more when it's released. Fact is I've been slowly hooked on the catchiness of Beating like a drum, even before the album Impossible dreamsgets released. I have listened to snippets of their first one from 2008, Whatever you want, and thought the melting of the vocals of the duo (Eden Boucher on lead and David Turley in the background sometimes) was nice and sounded so 80's. Their mix of pop/rock with bits of electro remembered me of superband Electronic, when Johnny Marr was on guitar behind Bernard Summer's vocals, but no song gave me the urgency to buy this first album though. I gave their new one an ear recently and their songwriting has bettered I think, their song being more memorable now. Their snippets have giving me the will to buy it on import from Germany and I think I'll have to seek it out on or eBay very soon.
Even if they are using less guitars on some songs, others still have that Johnny Marr sound to me (One in a million, Love can save us,Hearts are jaded, which sound like they could have been on their first album...) but there are even more 80's inspirations. They have even re-recorded their single Could it be from 2008 and have polished it more. David Turley's vocal impact has increased too and his vocals are very supportive on some songs. Wheneveris a must-be second single off the album ! It sounds like it has sampled Depeche Mode's Policy of truth but I'm sure it hasn't : it's just a tribute rip-off riff... Even if Our love is lost is less uptempo, it could easily be another single as it has a strong melodic chorus that sounds inescapable and has nice subtile arrangements. On Be who we are, they have even slowed the tempo down to create a mellow piece of peaceful flower-power alike pop, while Keep the fire burninghas them sound like Portishead to end the album.
But the real must-have of the album is the first single Beating like a drumwhich mixes nice female sung verses with girl/boy question/answer lines on pre-chorus and a üter-memorable uptempo chorus with implacable drumbeats. Just take a look at the video below and you'll get stuck in the Lovers Electric sonic web for sure !
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